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MiniApps WG

Martin Alvarez-Espinar

TPAC 2024
Anaheim CA, USA
hybrid meeting


  1. Logistics
  2. Status of specs
  3. New proposals

Logistics & Administrivia

Status of the specs

MiniApp Lifecycle

Specific events and an interface for the MiniApp object and its pages

MiniApp lifecycle:

launched, shown, hidden, error

Page lifecycle:

loaded, ready, shown, hidden, unloaded

Status: WD

Status of the specs

MiniApp Addressing

URIs for MiniApps


Status: Group Draft Note

Status of the specs

MiniApp Widgets Requirements

Scenarios and requirements for MiniApp Widgets (particular MiniApp pages)

Placed in a specific area of a device

Status: Group Note

Status of the specs

MiniApp Packaging

Describes the logical and physical structure of a MiniApp

Status: WD

Types of Resources

Breakout of components in miniapp package

Pages & Components

Current proposal: based on Web Components

File System

Filesystem structure of a miniapp package

Homogeneous structure:

Packaging: Open Issues

Security and efficiency concerns (TAG's Review):

  1. Preservation of the origin model
    • UA SHOULD use SSL/TSL for distribution
    • UA SHOULD keep track of the origin (save it in manifest?, UA decides?)
  2. Secure context (integrity of the package)
    • Package SHOULD be hashed (integrity);
    • and SHOULD be signed (e.g, developer + distributor)
  3. Efficiency of ZIP container

Ongoing discussion.

Status of the specs

MiniApp Manifest

JSON document to describe a MiniApp

Status: WD

Manifest Next: Internationalization

Localization of manifest members

Currently, MiniApps apply text localization techniques during the compilation stage

We must distribute texts in different languages and localize color schemes, icons, and images (good for marketplaces).

Next: alignment with Web App Manifest (working draft)

Manifest Next: Content Security Policy (CSP)

Increase security and integrity of MiniApps

Proposal: alignment with Isolated Web Apps (e.g., `permissions_policy`, `content-security-policy`, `integrity-block`?)

Status of the specs

MiniApp Components

Gap analysis of solutions in MiniApp implementations

Status: Draft Community Group Report

MiniApp for IoT

Use cases of MiniApp for IoT devices

Status: Draft Community Group Report

Next steps

  1. MiniApp Elements & MiniApp API (Proposals)
  2. MiniApp Object Model (Proposal)

MiniApp HTML Profile (Proposal)

Objective: define a subset of common HTML elements required by MiniApp user agents (e.g., media, EPUB).


Next steps

  1. MiniApp Elements and API (Proposals)
  2. MiniApp Object Model (Proposal)

MiniApp Object Model (Proposal)

Objective: define the document object model for MiniApps.



  1. List of actions
  2. Follow-up meeting
  3. Other comments?